A Fresh Look at Contextualization
Positive cross-cultural communication is an essential skill when sharing the gospel. Unfortunately, many common Western biblical constructs create stumbling blocks for people of di erent backgrounds, causing them to reject the gospel. But that doesn’t have to be the case.
Join Dr. Mary Lou Codman-Wilson and Alex Zhou as they dialogue about Alex’s experience becoming a believer in the US and his struggle to share his faith when he returned to China. They model a process of examining our cultural worldview to overcome the tensions associated with living out our faith in a context dominated by di erent religious or secular systems.
Supracultural Gospel presents:
• Seven principles to adapt the gospel to bridge East and West
• Essential attitudes and practices of emotionally healthy and spiritually
discerning discipleship
• Key gospel concepts (such as sin, grace, and the character of God) in non-
Western terms, while retaining biblical accuracy
Written in a highly conversational tone and validated with personal stories
from many Asian internationals, Supracultural Gospel is a powerful and
practical tool for those who are passionate about cross-cultural discipleship.
Are you ready to unpack your worldview and embrace a supracultural gospel?
REV. DR. MARY LOU CODMAN-WILSON (MD, Wheaton; MTS, Garret Theological Seminary; PhD, Northwestern University) is an author, teacher, pastor, and discipler, who currently serves at New Hope Bible Fellowship. She has spent several decades working with Asian international students, across the US and in Asia. Mary Lou and her husband live in Wheaton, Illinois, and have two grown children and five grandchildren.
DR. ZHOU QIN (Alex) (JSD, City University of Hong Kong; LLM, Northwestern
University) is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the National University of
Singapore and has published in several leading journals in the field of contract
and banking law. He has participated in cross-cultural campus ministry, giving him a unique perspective on key issues Asian international students face when they return to the East from studying and being discipled in the West.
William Carey Publishing (available at missionbooks.org).
Supracultural Gospel: Bridging the Gospel from West to East
You can purchase the book through missionbooks.org or Amazon.