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These sermons have been sent out since July 2023 to the New Hope Global Church around the world, as well as to individuals stateside who wish to be added to my sermon recipient list. Each sermon includes a dominant image and a one-sentence description of its contents.
Salmon Swimmers
Living in Gods radical transformed discipleship makes many Christian’s salmon swimmers. The comparison with what God does in the lives of...
Christ's Crucifixion
The crucifixion is the first part of the trilogy of Jesus death resurrection and Ascension. Luke tells the story of Jesus Crucifixion...
Surprising right turn
Following Gods life transforming vision . May turn your assumptions upside down. It did for the apostle Peter.
The God of All's
When a lawyer came to Jesus and asked him what to do to inherit eternal life (a question most God seekers ask) Jesus responded with the...
Burning Hearts
As we get ready to conclude Luke’s portrait of Jesus. There are two major stories we need to include. Luke’s portrait of the crucifixion...
The Widow of Nain
The widow of Nain is one of three miracles that Jesus did of raising people from the dead. Luke includes this unique story to show Jesus...
Simon Simon
Today’s story is the dramatic cosmic struggle that has gone on for centuries between Jesus and Satan and every Christian believer.
The Prayers God hears
This unique parable in Luke about the Pharisee and the tax collector tells us volumes about the kind of prayers God hears. Much wisdom...
The Heart of Jesus
Stress, Jesus invitation in Matthew 11 People who are weary and heavily burdened, Emotional, Physical, suffering with stress. God...
The Ascension of Jesus Christ
Why do you think Christ’s ascension is so important ? I believe a glimpse of the glorified Jesus will transform everything you do. Your...
Jesus honor of women
The gospel writer Luke has more stories of Jesus understanding of women and encounter with them than any other of the evangelists. He...
Sermon: Sabbath Delight-Part 3 in the June Series on Stress
Considering the incredible combination today of people’s emotional and physical suffering and their self-inflicted frenetic lifestyle,...
Sermon: The Heart of Jesus 06-04-24
Today I want to take a second look at Jesus’ promise for rest from crushing stress. Matthew 11:28-30 says: “Come to me, all you who are...
God's prescription for Stress: June sermon series 05-28-24
June Sermon series on Stress
Sermon: Living Color 05-20-24
Hi everyone, This sermon was a great joy to prepare and for me to preach this coming Sunday at a Japanese church in Chicago. It asks the...
Sermon: Christ at Home in Our Hearts-05-15-24
A practical look at what it means for the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts. Happy Pentecost
Sermon: A peace that stabilizes our mind Phil 4:4-7 ,05-07-24
Our text today is familiar but it is so essential to our walk with God that I want us to consider its meaning from 3 different Bible...
Sermon: Sit, Walk, Stand 08-06-2023
This morning, I want to do an adaptation of that trilogy to Sit, Stand, Run. These are all mental attitudes we need to live the life God...
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